A company committed
to change

Built on the groundbreaking immuno-neurology research of our scientific founder, Dr. Edgar Engleman, and his team at Stanford, Tranquis is focused on the discovery and development of novel small molecule therapeutics designed to target and normalize myeloid immune cell dysfunction linked to immune-mediated and mitochondrial diseases. Our goal is to revolutionize and advance the management of a broad range of neurodegenerative and non-CNS disorders by modifying underlying disease, reducing disease burden, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and families.

Leadership/Board of directors

Frederic Godderis, MSc
President and Chief Operating Officer

Frederic Godderis, MSc
President and Chief Operating Officer

Andrew Lam, BS
SVP, Technical Operations

Andrew Lam, BS
SVP, Technical Operations

Enchi Liu, PhD
SVP, Translational Sciences

Enchi Liu, PhD
SVP, Translational Sciences

Edgar Engleman, MD
Professor of Pathology and Medicine, Stanford University

Edgar Engleman, MD
Professor of Pathology and Medicine, Stanford University

Rajeev Dadoo, PhD
Managing Partner, SR One

Rajeev Dadoo, PhD
Managing Partner, SR One

Taro Inaba, MBA
Founder and Managing Partner,
Remiges Ventures

Taro Inaba, MBA
Founder and Managing Partner,
Remiges Ventures

Mahendra Shah, PhD
Managing Director,
Vivo Capital

Mahendra Shah, PhD
Managing Director,
Vivo Capital

Sanjay Kakkar, MD, MSc, MPH

Sanjay Kakkar, MD, MSc, MPH


Contact us

For scientific or medical inquiries or to explore partnership or investment opportunities, please contact us.

Tranquis Therapeutics, Inc.
Alexandria Palo Alto Research Center
2100 Geng Rd. suite 210
Palo Alto, CA 94303